High/Low iOS app released!

High/Low iOS app released!


0 min read

A while ago, I wrote a post about High/Low, the app I've been working on.

Well, I just finished the iOS app and released it to the app store, and it's available to download free here.

What is High/Low?

High/Low is an app that encourages you to reflect on every day by thinking about your most favorite and your least favorite thing that happened – a.k.a., your “High” and your “Low”. Not only can High/Low help you find meaning in every day, it can also help you to stay engaged with the people you love most. With High/Low, you can follow friends and see their Highs and Lows. You'll get to know them better every day!

Why High/Low?

High/Low is different from other social networking apps because, rather than simply providing a way for users to show off the best parts of their lives with each other, it encourages them to actually take the time to reflect on their day, and then share the things that mattered - whether good or bad - with others. It’s not just about connecting to others. It’s about connection through reflection.Besides that, we also are not an advertising company, so we’re not collecting your data in order to sell it to the highest bidder. Your data stays right where you put it.

Still not convinced?

Check out our promo video!


I'm hoping to make the Android app soon, but I don't have much experience working with Android, so it might be a while 😕