The day starts. You get dressed, hop in the car and drive to work. You leave at 4 P.M. in the afternoon, then get back in the car and sit through rush hour traffic. You make a quick dinner, get in bed, and catch a few precious hours of sleep before you have to do it all over again...
That's just a normal day for a lot of people. It's easy to get into what we call The Eeyore mindset: It's just another gloomy day, after all...
But here at High/Low, we believe every day has something special to offer. It just takes a little reflection!
High/Low is an app that encourages you to reflect on every day by thinking about your most favorite and your least favorite thing that happened – a.k.a., your “High” and your “Low”.
Not only can High/Low help you find meaning in every day, it can also help you to stay engaged with the people you love most. With High/Low, you can follow friends and see their Highs and Lows. You'll get to know them better every day! Take that, Eeyore!
Taken from the High/Low website
I am the senior software engineer and co-founder of High/Low. I was responsible for coding most of the backend, and now I work on our iOS app.
Our tech stack is a bit of a strange one: Python Flask API with a MySQL database, and Java and Swift for Android and iOS, respectively.
All our code is on Github (except for some config files, passwords, and whatnot) under the "highlowapp" organization:
I'm hoping that I can write about the coding process some, although I don't know if I'll be able to find the time.
If you guys are interested, it would be a huge help if you would subscribe on our website, or here:
And of course, sharing with your friends also helps 🙂
We're also hoping to set up a Facebook page very soon, right after we finish our product video. Subscribers will be notified when this happens 🙂
For the Web Developers reading this:
Our promotional site ( is in desperate need of a redesign.
However, we don't have the time to invest in this because we're busy with the iOS and Android apps.
So, we're relying on our community 😀
If any of you developers would like to redesign our site, you can submit a PR on this repository:
The content must be the same as the current design, but the layout and styles may be edited to your heart's content 🙂
Thanks for reading!